Publikation: International Mobility of Researchers in the Baltic Sea Region

Tom Schumacher
International Mobility of Researchers in the Baltic Sea Region. Baltic Science Network. November 2016.


Baltic Science Network (BSN) is the leading transnational forum for higher education, science and research cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). BSN is a policy network gathering relevant transnational, national and regional policy actors from the BSR countries. The Network serves as a springboard for targeted multilateral activities in the frame of research and innovation excellence, mobility of scientists and expanded participation. These joint activities are modelled with an overall aim to ensure that the BSR remains a hub of cutting-edge scientific solutions with the capacity to exploit the region ́s full innovation and scientific potential. The activities are envisaged to serve as examples of best practice and as basis for the policy recommendations drafted by the Network.The platform is tailored to provide advice on how to enhance a macro-regional dimension in higher education, science and research cooperation. Recommendations jointly formulated by the Network partners address the European, national and regional policy- making levels. BSN is a flagship of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region under the Policy Area Education, Research and Employability, as well as one of two cornerstones of the Science, Research and Innovation Agenda of the Council of the Baltic Sea States.